Quran Ijazah – Abrar Academy

Quran Ijazah

In recent years, the availability of online Quran Ijazah programs has made it easier for Muslims around the world to pursue this certification. Online Ijazah programs offer flexibility and convenience, allowing students to learn from anywhere in the world and at their own pace.


In this article, we will explore the concept of the Quran Ijazah in more detail, including its history, significance, and the process of obtaining it. We will also examine the benefits of online Ijazah programs and how they have made this certification more accessible to Muslims around the world. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Quran Ijazah and its importance in the practice of Islam.


What is the definition of Quran Ijazah?

The Ijazah in the Quran is the official permission that a person obtains from a qualified and authorized Quranic reader to teach the Quran and its recitation. It is a Ijazah certification that acknowledges a person’s proficiency and mastery of the Quranic recitation and the rules of Tajweed. The Ijazah is a traditional system of transmitting knowledge from a teacher to a student in a chain of narration that can be traced back to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Ijazah is an essential part of preserving and transmitting the Quranic knowledge and the art of recitation from generation to generation.


The importance of Ijazah in the Quran

The Ijazah in the Quran is of great importance because it is a means of preserving the Quranic knowledge and the art of its recitation. It is a certification that acknowledges a person’s proficiency and mastery of the Quranic recitation and the rules of Tajweed, which is essential for the proper recitation of the Quran.


The Ijazah is a traditional system of transmitting knowledge from a teacher to a student in a chain of narration that can be traced back to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which ensures the authenticity and accuracy of the Quranic recitation. Obtaining Ijazah in the Quran is also a recognition of the student’s dedication and effort in learning and preserving the Quranic knowledge.


It allows the student to teach the Quran and its recitation to others, which contributes to the spread of its message and the preservation of its teachings for future generations. Therefore, the Ijazah is an important aspect of the Islamic tradition and a valuable asset for those who seek to learn and preserve the Quranic knowledge and its recitation.


What are the conditions for obtaining Ijazah in the Quran?

There are several conditions that need to be fulfilled to obtain Ijazah in the Quran, including:


1- Proficiency in Quranic recitation

The person seeking Ijazah must have a high level of proficiency in the recitation of the Quran and the rules of Tajweed.


2- Memorization

It is important to memorize a significant portion of the Quran, such as Juz’ Amma (the last thirty chapters of the Quran).


3- Sincerity

The person seeking Ijazah must have a sincere intention to seek knowledge and preserve the Quranic tradition.


4- Adherence to Islamic teachings

The person seeking Ijazah must adhere to the teachings of Islam and have a good understanding of its principles.


5- Recommendation

The person seeking Ijazah should be recommended by a reputable Quranic teacher or an Islamic scholar who can vouch for their proficiency in Quranic recitation and understanding.


6- Completion of a specific curriculum

The person seeking Ijazah must complete a specific Quranic recitation curriculum that covers the rules of Tajweed and other related topics.


7- Passing an oral test

The person seeking Ijazah must pass an oral test, which is conducted by a qualified Quranic teacher to assess their proficiency in Quranic recitation and understanding.


To obtain Ijazah in the Quran, the student must fulfill the following conditions:


  • proficiency in reciting the Quran according to one of the well-known recitation styles (Qira’at)
  • Study of at least one Tajweed text
  • Recitation of the Quran under the guidance of a certified and qualified Quranic teacher (Sheikh) who has Ijazah in Quranic recitation.


Read also about: Reciting the Quran


Types of Ijazah in the Quran

There are different types of Ijazah in the Quran, including:


1- Ijazah in Quranic recitation

This is the most common type of Ijazah, which certifies the student’s proficiency in reciting the Quran according to one of the recitation styles (Qira’at).


2- Ijazah in Tajweed

This type of Ijazah certifies the student’s proficiency in applying the rules of Tajweed in the recitation of the Quran.


3- Ijazah in memorization

This type of Ijazah certifies the student’s proficiency in memorizing a significant portion of the Quran, such as Juz’ Amma or the entire Quran.


4- Ijazah in interpretation (Tafsir)

This type of Ijazah certifies the student’s proficiency in understanding the meaning and interpretation of the Quranic verses and chapters.


5- Ijazah in teaching

This type of Ijazah certifies the student’s proficiency in teaching the Quran and its recitation to others.


There are other types of Ijazah in the Quran including:


  • Al-‘Aradh wal-Sam’ (Presentation and Listening)
  • Al-‘Aradh (Presentation).
  • Al-Sam’ (Listening)Al-Ikhtibar (Test)
  • Ijazah bi-Ba’d al-Quran (Partial Ijazah)
  • Al-Mukatabah (Correspondence)


Is seeking Ijazah a religious obligation?

Seeking Ijazah in the Quran is not a religious obligation in the sense that it is not a mandatory requirement for Muslims. However, it is highly encouraged and considered a virtuous act in Islamic tradition to seek knowledge of the Quran and its recitation.


Obtaining Ijazah in the Quran is a means of preserving the Quranic knowledge and traditions, and it is a recognition of the student’s dedication and effort in learning and preserving the Quranic knowledge. It also allows the student to teach the Quran and its recitation to others, which contributes to the spread of its message and the preservation of its teachings for future generations. Therefore, while it is not a religious obligation, seeking Ijazah in the Quran is a highly encouraged and rewarding act in Islamic tradition.


Can Quran be taught without Ijazah?

Yes, the Quran can be taught without Ijazah. Ijazah is a certification that acknowledges a person’s proficiency and mastery in a particular field of Islamic knowledge, such as Quranic recitation, Tajweed, memorization, or interpretation. However, it is not a requirement for teaching the Quran.


Teaching the Quran requires knowledge of the Quranic text and its proper recitation, which can be obtained through formal or informal education. Many Islamic institutions and organizations offer Quranic education and courses for people who wish to learn and teach the Quran.


The majority of scholars have agreed on the following:


It is not valid for someone who has not received the Quran directly from the mouths of narrators to teach it. Therefore, whoever wishes to recite and teach the Quran must have Ijazah from someone who has taken it from a qualified teacher. This is because some letters in the Quran are increased in words and are not pronounced, while others are omitted and need to be pronounced.


Also, the pronunciation of words and letters with their proper articulation, intonation, lengthening, and shortening are important aspects that must be followed when teaching the Quran. This cannot be achieved without Ijazah from a qualified teacher who has mastered the Quran and is connected to the chain of narration.


However, there is no problem in teaching a Muslim how to properly recite some Surahs or verses of the Quran, or even a single verse, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Convey from me even an Ayah (verse),” and also said, “The best among you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it.”


Read also about: Learn to read Quran


Frequently asked questions about Ijazah in the Quran

Is memorization a requirement for obtaining Ijazah?

Memorization is not always a requirement for obtaining Ijazah in the Quran. The requirements for obtaining Ijazah can vary depending on the type of Ijazah and the institution or teacher issuing it.


While memorization of the Quran is highly encouraged and considered a virtuous act in Islamic tradition, it is not mandatory for obtaining Ijazah in Quranic recitation or Tajweed. Memorization is typically a requirement for obtaining Ijazah in Quranic memorization, where the student is required to memorize a significant portion of the Quran, such as Juz’ Amma or the entire Quran.


It is important to note that the process of obtaining Ijazah in the Quran is not simply a matter of fulfilling certain requirements or passing a test. It is a comprehensive process that involves the transmission of knowledge and spiritual guidance from a qualified Sheikh or teacher to the student. The Sheikh or teacher evaluates the student’s level of proficiency and mastery of the Quranic recitation, Tajweed, and other related knowledge before granting the Ijazah.


What is the difference between Sanad (chain of narration) and Ijazah?

Sanad and Ijazah are related concepts in Islamic tradition, but they have different meanings.


Sanad refers to the chain of narration that links a person to the original source of knowledge. In the context of Islamic knowledge, Sanad is used to trace the chain of transmission of a particular Hadith, Quranic recitation, or any other piece of Islamic knowledge from the original source to the current time. The Sanad lists the names of the scholars who have transmitted this knowledge from one generation to another, and it is used to authenticate the knowledge and ensure its accuracy and authenticity.


Ijazah, on the other hand, refers to the certification of a person’s proficiency and mastery in a particular field of Islamic knowledge. In the context of Quranic recitation, Ijazah is a certification that acknowledges a person’s proficiency and mastery of the Quranic recitation and the rules of Tajweed, which is essential for the proper recitation of the Quran. Ijazah is granted by a qualified Sheikh or teacher who has verified the student’s proficiency and mastery in the field of study.


Read also about: Virtues And Benefits Of Memorizing Quran


The cost of obtaining Ijazah in the Quran

The cost of obtaining Ijazah in the Quran can vary depending on the institution or teacher issuing it, the type of Ijazah, and the location.


In some cases, obtaining Ijazah in the Quran may not be associated with any cost, especially if the student is studying with a qualified Sheikh or teacher who is offering the Ijazah for the sake of Allah and the preservation of the Quranic knowledge. In other cases, there may be a fee associated with obtaining Ijazah, which may cover the cost of the teacher’s time and effort, administrative expenses, and other related costs.


It is important to note that the cost of obtaining Ijazah should not be a barrier for seeking knowledge of the Quran. The Quranic knowledge is a valuable asset, and seeking it is a virtuous act. Therefore, if the cost of obtaining Ijazah is a concern, students can seek out qualified teachers or institutions that offer Quranic education and Ijazah without any fees.


Online Quran Ijazah

If you are looking for the best programs to obtain an Ijazah certification in Quran recitation, then you must get to know Abrar Network. It is one of the best academies in the world teaching the Quran, Arabic, Hifz, Tajweed rules, and Islamic studies to people of all ages, male and female (beginners and advanced levels).


Abrar Network’s online Ijazah programs are a standout feature, providing students with the flexibility and convenience to learn from anywhere in the world and at their own pace. These programs involve studying the Quran with a qualified teacher and demonstrating proficiency through recitation and memorization. Upon completing the program, students receive an Ijazah certification, which serves as a recognition of their accomplishment and a testament to their devotion to the Quran.


What sets Abrar Network apart is its commitment to making learning enjoyable and engaging, even for the youngest of learners. The academy recognizes that kinesthetic children require a unique approach to learning, and its teachers have developed innovative methods to make learning Quran, Arabic, Hifz, Tajweed rules, and Islamic studies a fun and interactive experience.


Sources and references


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