10 Virtues And Benefits Of Memorizing Quran

Virtues And Benefits Of Memorizing Quran

Memorizing Quran is one of the most virtuous and rewarding acts a Muslim can undertake. It is an act of devotion that brings immense spiritual benefits, strengthens one’s faith, and connects one with the teachings of Allah. The Quran is the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims, and memorizing it allows one to internalize its teachings and apply them to one’s daily life.


In this article, we will explore the virtues and benefits of memorizing Quran. We will examine the rewards that come with this act of worship, the importance of preserving the Quran through memorization, and the impact that memorization can have on a Muslim’s life. We will also look at some practical tips for memorizing the Quran, and how to overcome common challenges that may arise during the memorization process.


What is the Holy Quran?

The Holy Quran is the central religious text of Islam and is considered by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. It is composed of verses, or ayahs, that were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years, beginning in 610 CE and ending with his death in 632 CE.


The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, called surahs, which are arranged in order of length, with the longest surahs at the beginning and the shortest at the end. Each surah is composed of verses that deal with a variety of topics, including theology, ethics, law, history, and stories of prophets and their communities.


The Quran is regarded by Muslims as the final revelation from God and the ultimate source of guidance for all aspects of life. It is considered by them to be a miracle of language and style, and its recitation is an important part of Islamic worship. The Quran has been translated into many languages and is read and studied by Muslims all over the world.


Virtues And Benefits Of Memorizing Quran

In Islamic tradition, the memorization of the Holy Quran is considered one of the greatest virtues that a Muslim can attain. Memorizing the Quran is seen as a means of getting closer to God, earning blessings and rewards in this life and in the hereafter, and achieving a high level of spiritual purification.


The following are some of the virtues of memorizing the Holy Quran:


1- The memorizer of the Quran is called a Hafiz, which means a “protector” or “preserver”. This is because the memorizer protects the Quran from being lost or forgotten and preserves its teachings for future generations.


2- Memorizing Quran is considered a form of worship and is highly rewarded by God. The Prophet Muhammad said, “The best of you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it” (Sahih Bukhari).


3- Memorizing Quran is believed to increase one’s knowledge and understanding of Islam, as the Quran is the primary source of Islamic teachings.


4- The Quran is believed to be a source of healing, and its recitation and memorization are believed to have therapeutic benefits for the mind, body, and soul.


5- The memorization of the Quran is considered a means of protection against evil and a way to earn God’s protection and blessings.


6- The one who memorizes the Book of Allah (i.e., the Quran) has the priority to lead people in prayers, just as he is the best of people in leadership if he is capable of it.


In summary, the memorization of the Holy Quran is highly valued in Islamic tradition and is considered a means of spiritual purification, earning blessings and rewards, increasing one’s knowledge and understanding of Islam, and protecting oneself against evil.


You can also read about: the Holy Quran


What are the benefits of memorizing the Holy Quran?

There are numerous benefits of memorizing the Holy Quran, both spiritual and practical. Here are some of the most significant benefits:


1- Spiritual Benefits

Memorizing the Quran is considered a form of worship and is highly rewarded by God. It is believed to purify the heart and soul, increase one’s faith and devotion, and bring one closer to God. The memorization of Quranic verses and chapters also helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the religion of Islam and its teachings.


2- Cognitive Benefits

Memorizing the Quran is a mental exercise that can improve memory, concentration, and cognitive skills. It requires discipline, focus, and repetition, which can enhance brain function and improve mental agility.


3- Linguistic Benefits

Memorizing the Quran in its original Arabic language can improve one’s Arabic language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This is because the Quran is written in eloquent and classical Arabic which is considered the standard for the language.


4- Cultural Benefits

Memorizing the Quran is an important part of Islamic culture and tradition. It is a way to connect with the rich history and heritage of the Muslim world and to gain a deeper appreciation for the art and beauty of Arabic calligraphy.


5- Personal Benefits

Memorizing the Quran can bring a sense of accomplishment, self-discipline, and self-improvement. It can also provide a source of comfort, guidance, and inspiration in times of difficulty or sorrow.


Steps and method of memorizing the Holy Quran

Memorizing the Holy Quran is a process that requires dedication, discipline, and a systematic approach. Here are some steps and methods that can help in memorizing the Quran:


1- Set a goal

Determine how much of the Quran you want to memorize and set a realistic timeline for achieving your goal. It is important to be consistent and persistent in your efforts.


2- Learn the basics of Arabic

It is important to have a basic understanding of the Arabic language and grammar before starting to memorize the Quran. This will help in understanding the meaning and context of the verses.


3- Choose a reliable teacher

Find a knowledgeable and experienced teacher who can guide you through the memorization process and provide feedback and support.


4- Start with small portions

Begin by memorizing short chapters or verses and gradually increase the difficulty level. It is important to repeat each portion multiple times until it is firmly memorized.


5- Use repetition and revision

Repeat each portion of the Quran multiple times throughout the day and revise previous portions regularly. This will help in retaining the memorized verses and chapters.


6- Listen to recitations

Listen to recitations of the Quran by experienced reciters to improve pronunciation, intonation, and memorization.


7- Use mnemonic devices

Use memory aids such as visualization, association, and repetition to help in memorizing the Quran. For example, try to associate each verse with a visual image or a familiar story.


8- Practice regularly

Set aside a regular time each day for memorization and practice. Consistency is key to achieving success in memorizing the Quran.


There are also three other methods of memorizing the Quran:


  1. Visual method: This involves using visual aids such as flashcards, charts, and diagrams to help memorize the Quran.
  2. Audio method: This involves listening to recitations of the Quran and repeating them until they are memorized.
  3. Kinesthetic method: such as tracing the words with a finger or writing them down repeatedly.


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The most important tips for those who want to memorize the Holy Quran

Here are some of the most important tips for those who want to memorize the Holy Quran:


1- Sincerity

Have a sincere intention for memorizing the Quran and seek the pleasure of Allah. This will help in staying motivated and focused throughout the memorization process


2- Consistency

Dedicate a fixed time each day for memorization and stick to it. Consistency is key to achieving success in memorizing the Quran.


3- Patience

Memorizing the Quran is a long-term process that requires patience and perseverance. Do not rush the memorization process and take time to revise and reinforce what has already been memorized.


4- Understanding

Try to understand the meaning and context of the Quranic verses as you memorize them. This will help in retaining them better and applying their teachings in daily life.


5- Repetition

Repeat each portion of the Quran multiple times until it is firmly memorized. Regular revision and repetition are essential for retaining the memorized verses and chapters.


6- Association

Try to associate each verse with a visual image, a familiar story, or a personal experience. This will help in memorizing and recalling the verses more easily.


7- Accountability

Find a study partner or a teacher to hold you accountable and provide feedback and support throughout the memorization process.


8- Avoid distractions

Try to minimize distractions and create a conducive environment for memorization. Turn off electronic devices and find a quiet and peaceful place to study.


Hadiths about memorizing the Qur’an

Here are some hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) about the importance and virtues of memorizing the Quran:


“The best among you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it.” (Sahih Bukhari)

“The one who memorizes the Quran is like a bag filled with musk, its fragrance spreading everywhere.” (Sahih Bukhari)

“Whoever recites the Quran and memorizes it, Allah will admit him to Paradise and allow him to intercede for ten of his family members who would have otherwise been destined for Hellfire.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

“The Quran will be a proof for you or against you on the Day of Resurrection. So memorize the Quran and recite it.” (Sahih Muslim)

“The Quran is an intercessor, something given permission to intercede, and it is rightfully believed in. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

“The Quran is a rope of Allah extended from the sky to the earth. It is a means of salvation for those who hold onto it, a means of protection for those who abide by it, and a means of elevation for those who recite it.” (Musnad Ahmad)


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Is it better to memorize the Qur’an or read it?

Memorizing the Holy Quran is widely regarded as the best form of worship and the most beloved act of Allah. While it is not a mandatory act, it is considered a Sunnah, and some scholars consider it a communal obligation (fard kifayah), especially for those who lead prayers.


Therefore, it is not a matter of choosing between memorizing and reading the Quran, but rather a combination of both practices. Muslims should dedicate time for recitation and manage it from start to finish, as well as set aside specific time for memorization.
For instance, attending the mosque provides an opportunity to recite a portion of the Quran, starting with Al-Fatihah and continuing until completing it, with contemplation and without haste. Other suitable times for memorization include after Fajr prayer, at night, or late at night.


If one fears forgetting what has been memorized, it should not discourage them from striving and putting in effort. If a person forgets some of what they have memorized, it will not harm them, and they should return to studying and memorizing again.
In conclusion, Muslims should strive to both memorize and read the Quran, as both practices have their virtues and benefits. It is important to dedicate time to both practices, continue striving, and seek knowledge from the Quran.


The most beautiful thing that was said about memorizing the Qur’an

There are many beautiful and inspiring things that have been said about memorizing the Quran by jurists, poets, companions, and followers of Islam throughout history. Here are a few examples:


Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him), one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), said: “The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.”

Imam Shafi’i, a famous Islamic jurist, said: “This Quran is the banquet of Allah, so approach it with hunger, and recite it to memorize it, and when you have memorized it, do not neglect it.”

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, another famous Islamic scholar, said: “The Quran is the most noble of all speech, and its memorization is the most noble of all deeds.”

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him), another companion of the Prophet Muhammad, said: “Whoever recites one letter from the Book of Allah, then for him is a good deed, and a good deed is multiplied by ten. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter, but rather Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter.”

The famous Muslim poet, Rumi, said: “The Quran is a garden of beauty, and its memorizers are the gardeners. They cultivate it with their hearts, and reap its fruits in the hereafter.”


These quotes highlight the great importance and virtues of memorizing the Quran, both in terms of personal spiritual growth and in terms of benefiting others by teaching and sharing its teachings. Memorizing the Quran is seen as a noble and honorable act, and it is greatly rewarded by Allah.


You can also read about: Improve Quran Recitation


Does one who has not memorized the Qur’an sin?

No, not memorizing the Quran is not considered a sin in Islam. Memorizing the Quran is a virtuous act that is highly recommended, but it is not an obligation or a requirement for every Muslim. While some scholars consider it a communal obligation (fard kifayah) to memorize the Quran, this is not a universally agreed-upon view.


In Islam, sins are defined as acts that go against the commandments of Allah and His Messenger, such as lying, stealing, cheating, and so on. Failing to memorize the Quran is not considered a sin, as there are many other ways to connect with and follow the teachings of Islam, such as reading and understanding the Quran, performing obligatory acts of worship, and following the moral and ethical teachings of Islam.


That being said, memorizing the Quran is a highly virtuous act that brings many benefits, such as strengthening one’s faith, improving one’s memory, and increasing one’s knowledge and understanding of Islam. It is also a means of preserving the Quran and passing its teachings down to future generations. Therefore, while it is not a sin to not memorize the Quran, it is a highly recommended act that brings many rewards and benefits.


Quran Memorization Academy

Do you want to teach your kids Qur’an recitation even though they can’t read or know the Arabic alphabet? Do you want to teach them Tajweed, Islamic studies (fiqh, Aqeedah Tawheed, six kalemah, Serah of prophet Muhammad Arabic language (reading Arabic, listening, speaking and writing Arabic) also Hifz with the best male and female teachers (experienced qualified native Arabic speakers have at least one ijaza in Quraan and graduated from Al Azhar university) can attract students by their teaching style.


At Abrar Academy for Islamic Studies and Sciences, you can now memorize the Holy Quran using the latest technologies and methods, under the guidance of a select group of scholars and teachers. The academy also allows you to choose your teacher and switch if necessary. Additionally, you can access courses and educational programs in all Quranic sciences.


How can you start?

1- You book a free trial class at a suitable time then you take a demo class for each student to know about our quality and professionalism also to evaluate student level and define the suitable syllabus.

2- Then if you liked the class you tell us your schedule (how many classes per week, duration and suitable time then start your real journey with Quran and Arabic as well.


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