Learn to read Quran

Learn to Read Quran

Learn to Read Quran is an important part of the Islamic faith. Reciting the Quran properly from beginning to end allows Muslims to gain a better connection with Allah and spiritual enlightenment.


In this article, we aim to help everyone interested in learning how to read Quran and listen to online Quranic recitation with proper pronunciation and Tajweed rules. Whether you are a beginner in learning the Quran, or an advanced student seeking to improve your skills, our resources, lessons, and audio recitation can aid your journey in understanding the greatest Islamic scripture.


The meaning of reading the Quran correctly

Reading the Quran correctly means reading it with proper pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, and its recitation has a specific set of rules and guidelines that must be followed to ensure its accurate and proper recitation.


The correct recitation of the Quran is important because it ensures that its meaning is not distorted or misunderstood. Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of God, and it contains guidance for all humanity. Therefore, it is important to recite and understand it correctly to derive its intended meaning and benefit from its teachings.


To learn how to read the Quran correctly, Muslims often attend classes or seek guidance from a Quran Teacher who has studied the rules of Quranic recitation. This process is known as Tajweed, which involves learning the correct pronunciation of letters, vowels, and other rules of recitation. Muslims believe that reciting the Quran with proper Tajweed not only helps in understanding its meaning but also brings spiritual benefits and blessings.


The Virtue of Learn to Read Quran

Learning to read and understand the Quran is extremely valuable for Muslims. Here are some of the virtues of learning to read the Quran:


  • It brings you closer to Allah

The Quran is Allah’s final revelation to mankind, so learning to read and understand his words directly will bring you spiritually closer to him.


  • It increases your faith and spirituality

Studying the Quran deepens your knowledge of Islam and strengthens your belief in Allah and his teachings. This helps nurture your spirituality.


  • It earns the pleasure of Allah

The Prophet Muhammad said whoever reads one letter from the Quran earns one good deed, and each good deed is multiplied by 10. So reading the Quran regularly earns many rewards from Allah.


  • It makes you more conscious of Allah

Reading the Quran helps remind you of Allah’s commands and prohibition, making you more careful to follow his path.


  • It helps you gain wisdom and knowledge

The Quran contains guidance, lessons, and stories that help increase your knowledge and wisdom if you reflect upon the words of Allah.
It provides comfort and peace. Reading the Quran helps relieve stress and brings a sense of calm, peace, and hope through its beautiful words and reminders.


  • It improves your Arabic

For Arabic speakers, learning to read the Quran in its original Arabic improves your Arabic language skills and comprehension.


Conditions for reading the Qur’an

Here are some common conditions for properly reading the Qur’an:


1- Ritual purity (wudu)

One should be in a state of ritual purity before handling the Qur’an. This involves making ablution (washing face, arms, etc).


2- Proper dress

Women should cover their hair and both men and women should wear modest, loose-fitting clothes out of respect.


3- Facing the Qibla

Muslims should face the direction of the Ka’ba in Mecca when reading the Qur’an. This is the direction they face during prayers.


4- Reading with intention

One should read the Qur’an with the intention and sincere desire to seek knowledge, guidance, and closeness to Allah. It should not be read carelessly or to show off.


5- Reading aloud

The Qur’an should be read aloud, correctly, and clearly. This is considered a virtue.


6- Understanding meaning

It is important to contemplate the meaning of what one reads and apply it to life. The Qur’an should not just be recited without comprehension.


7- Being in a clean place

The area where one reads the Qur’an should be clean and free of impurities.


8- Using miswak

It is recommended to use a miswak (toothstick) to clean the mouth before reading Qur’an.


9- Facing the text

One should not have their back to the Qur’an or turn their feet towards it out of respect.


You can also read about: Manners of Reciting the Quran


How to Learn to read Quran?

Here are some effective tips for learning to read the Quran properly:


  • Find a qualified teacher: The best way is to learn from someone who has mastered Quranic recitation rules.
  • Start with basic Arabic letters and vowels (harakat): Master the sounds of each letter before moving on.
  • Learning Quran Reading Rules (Tajweed) little by little: Tajweed governs how each letter should be pronounced.
  • Listen to recordings of proficient reciters: This will help develop your style and tone. Try to imitate their pronunciation.
  • Practice daily for short intervals: Consistency is key. Set aside even 15-30 mins daily to practice. Gradually increase the time.
  • Recite out loud as much as possible: Get your tongue and muscles used to producing the sounds. This will improve with time.
  • Set goals to complete small portions at a time: Aim to perfect short surahs before moving on to longer ones.
  • Compare your recitation: to your teacher’s or recordings to identify areas of improvement.
  • Be patient and persistent: Learning proper recitation takes time and practice. Stick with it, and you will improve.
  • Learn the meanings of what you read to better understand the message: This will also help in applying the teachings.


You can also read about: Information about the Holy Quran


Teaching Quran Reading with Audio and Visuals

Teaching Quran reading with audio and visuals is an effective and engaging way to help students learn to read the Quran. Here are some tips for implementing this method in your teaching:


1- Use a reliable audio source

Choose an audio recording of the Quran recited by a trusted and knowledgeable reciter who follows proper Tajweed rules. This will ensure that your student is learning the correct pronunciation of the Quran. One example of a renowned Quran reciter who follows proper Tajweed rules is Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad.


2- Display the text on screen

Show the text of the Quran on a screen so that the student can follow along as they listen to the recitation. This helps the student to understand the relationship between the written and spoken words of the Quran.


3- Highlight text as it is recited

Use software or other tools to highlight the text as it is being recited. This helps to reinforce the connection between the written and spoken words and makes it easier for the student to follow along.


4- Break down the text into manageable sections

Focus on teaching one verse or portion of a verse at a time. This allows the student to fully grasp and practice the pronunciation before moving on to the next part.


5- Provide feedback and correction

As the student reads along with the audio, provide feedback on their pronunciation and offer correction where necessary. This will help the student improve their recitation skills and ensure that they are reciting the Quran correctly.


How to learn to recite the Holy Quran?

The recitation of the Holy Qur’an is one of the acts of worship by which Muslims approach Allah, and these worships require some tips that must be taken into account in order for the individual to reach the correct and proper pronunciation of the provisions of recitation, and these are some of the specific means to achieve this goal:


  • Start by learning the Arabic alphabet, harakat (vowels), and basic tajweed rules. Master this before moving on.
  • Listen and mimic recordings of expert reciters to develop the correct style and tone. Focus on one surah at a time.
  • Recite out loud as much as possible. This will train your mouth and tongue muscles to produce the unique sounds.
  • Set a regular practice schedule, even if for 30 mins daily. With consistent practice, your muscle memory will improve.
  • Advance gradually – perfect the pronunciation and memorization of short surahs before moving to longer ones.
  • Always recite with proper etiquette, wudu (ablution), sitting posture, and intention (niyyah).
  • Avoid common mistakes like mixing up similar sounding letters or ignoring recitation rules. Ask your teacher for feedback.
  • Make the learning process gradual and enjoyable instead of overwhelming. Set realistic goals.
  • Apply the meanings of what you recite to enrich your understanding of the Quran’s message for application in life.


You can also read about: Memorize Quran for kids


Do you accept reading the Quran without concentration?

To begin with, it is obligatory for a Muslim to always remember Allah, whether by reciting the Holy Quran or through Tasbeeh (saying Subhaan Allah – Glorified is Allah) or by Istighfaar (saying Astaghfirullah – I ask Allah for forgiveness) and other forms of Dhikr (remembrance).


Scholars have said that the best form of Dhikr is a combination of the tongue and the heart. Nonetheless, scholars have also stated that it is permissible to remember Allah or to recite the Quran when something distracts a person’s attention or when other things occupy them and that it is allowed and would still be rewarded.


Reciting the Quran is favorable in all circumstances whether the reader is fully focused or not, but what is not permissible is to refrain from reading the Quran or using that as an excuse to avoid recitation. Regular recitation gradually brings about humility (khushu’) [in prayer].


Quran Teaching Academy

Teaching Quran reading to adults and Teaching Quran Reading to kids is not an easy task. This process requires preparation and good mastery from qualified teachers who know Tajweed rules and recitation. This is what we provide at Abrar Academy for Quran memorization for children.


The Academy provides educational programs and courses in all Islamic studies by specialists who are graduates of Al-Azhar University. Upon contacting us, a trial class is arranged to assess your child’s performance and to prepare a customized educational plan that suits them.



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