Speed Reading of the Holy Quran: How to do it?

Speed Reading of the Holy Quran

Speed reading is a technique used by some to rapidly increase their reading rates while maintaining good comprehension. In recent years, some have applied speed reading techniques to studying and understanding the Holy Quran. This article will explore the practice of speed reading the Holy Quran. It will discuss various speed reading methods and techniques that have been applied specifically to studying Islam’s holiest text more rapidly.


What is the concept of speed reading of the Holy Quran?

Speed reading of the Holy Quran is a technique that helps to understand the Qur’anic text quickly taking into account the provisions of intonation, without neglecting understanding and reflection. Speed reading relies on a range of skills and techniques, such as:


  • Reading with the eyes: It is the skill of focusing on important words and sentences in the text, without having to read every letter or word.
  • Reading with eye movement: It is the skill of moving the eyes quickly from one word to another, without having to refer to previous words.
  • Mouth reading: It is the skill of moving the mouth quickly, without having to pronounce every letter or word.
  • Focus and comprehension: It is the skill of focusing on the text to be read, and understanding its meaning.


What is the importance of speed reading of the Holy Quran?

The importance of speed-reading the Holy Quran can be understood within the context of individual preferences and goals. Here are a few points to consider:


1- Efficient Learning

Speed reading allows individuals to cover a greater amount of Quranic text in a shorter time frame. This can be particularly beneficial for those who aim to enhance their Quranic knowledge, memorization, or understanding within limited time constraints.


2- Memorization

For those seeking to memorize the Quran, speed reading can help in reviewing and revising previously memorized portions more efficiently. By quickly scanning through the verses, individuals can reinforce their memorization and improve retention.


3- Personal Study

Speed reading can be useful during personal study sessions, especially when individuals are familiar with the content and seek to refresh their understanding or explore specific themes or topics. It enables them to review verses or chapters swiftly, gaining an overview of the text and facilitating deeper analysis later on.


4- Taraweeh and Recitation

During Ramadan, Muslims engage in the special night prayers known as Taraweeh, where the Quran is recited in its entirety over the course of the month. Speed reading allows individuals to follow along with the recitation more easily, enabling them to connect with the reciter and absorb the overall message.


5- Time Management

In today’s fast-paced world, people often have limited time to dedicate to reading religious texts. Speed reading can help individuals make the most of their available time, enabling them to engage with the Quran regularly, even if they have busy schedules.


Read also about: Manners of Reciting the Quran


What are the most important techniques for speed reading the Holy Quran?

Skimming: Skimming involves quickly glancing over the text to get a general idea of the content. When speed reading the Quran, you can skim through verses or chapters, focusing on the main points or themes rather than reading every word. Skimming helps in gaining a broad understanding of the text and identifying key ideas. but How to increase your Quran reading speed?


1- Scanning

Scanning involves moving your eyes rapidly over the text to locate specific information. When speed reading the Quran, you can scan for keywords, phrases, or specific verses that you want to find or review. Scanning allows you to locate relevant information efficiently without reading every word.


2- Peripheral Vision

Utilizing your peripheral vision can help you process more words at once. Instead of fixating on individual words, try to broaden your focus to encompass multiple words or even entire lines. This technique helps in increasing reading speed and reduces the need for eye movements across the page.


3- Eliminating Subvocalization

Subvocalization refers to silently pronouncing the words in your mind as you read. While it is a natural habit, it can slow down reading speed. By consciously working to reduce or eliminate subvocalization, you can significantly increase your reading speed. This technique requires practice and may initially feel challenging, but it can lead to substantial improvements.


4- Chunking

Chunking involves grouping words together to read them as meaningful units rather than individual words. Instead of reading word by word, try to read phrases or groups of words that form coherent meaning. This technique allows you to process information more quickly and enhances comprehension by capturing the broader context.


5- Practice and Familiarity

Regular practice and familiarity with the Quranic text can naturally enhance your reading speed. As you become more familiar with the structure, vocabulary, and patterns of the Quran, your reading speed will naturally increase. Consistent exposure to the text allows you to recognize common words and phrases, reducing the need for decoding each word.


Read also about: Virtues And Benefits Of Memorizing Quran


The most prominent frequently asked questions about speed reading of the Holy Quran

What is a speed reading of the Quran called?

The fast reading of the Holy Quran is called “Al-Hadr,” a term derived from the science of Tajweed. In the Arabic language, “Hadr” means to accelerate or speed up. It is one of the three levels of Quranic recitation, which are: Tahrīq (investigation), Tilāwah (recitation), and Al-Hadr (fast reading). This technique is used to improve the speed and comprehension of the Quranic text by training the eyes and the brain to read effectively and faster.


The most famous readers of Al-Hadr

Al-Hadr is one of the Qur’anic methods of recitation, and it is considered one of the most famous methods that some readers have distinguished and preserved in Quranic recitation. Among the most famous readers of Al-Hadr:


  • Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad
  • Sheikh Mahmoud Khalil Al , Husari
  • Sheikh Abdul Rahman Alsudais
  • Sheikh Muhammad Abdul hakim Saeed Al-Ajmi
  • Sheikh Mohammed Siddiq Al , Minshawi


Read also about: Improve Quran Recitation


Ruling on reading the Qur’an quickly

The ruling on reading the Qur’an quickly is that it is not permissible if it leads to the pronunciation of the letters or verses being incorrect. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:


“Do not recite the Qur’an quickly, racing against one another, but recite it in a measured way, thoughtfully, and ponder its meaning.” (Sahih Bukhari)


The purpose of reading the Qur’an is to understand its meaning and to benefit from its guidance. If one reads too quickly, they will not be able to do this. They may also make mistakes in the pronunciation, which is disrespectful to the Qur’an.


However, it is permissible to read the Qur’an quickly if it is done in a way that does not compromise the pronunciation or the meaning. For example, it is permissible to read quickly when reciting the Qur’an in congregational prayer, as long as the imam is able to pronounce the letters and verses correctly.


Read also about: Islamic Dawah


At Abrar Academy, you can learn how to read the Holy Quran quickly by a group of experienced teachers and sheikhs, and the Academy also offers many courses in memorizing the Qur’an online with courses in Islamic studies and Quranic sciences.


Sources and references


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