Monotheism in Islam – 7 virtues of Tawheed

Monotheism in Islam

In Islam, there is only one God, who is the creator and sustainer of the universe. This belief is the foundation of Islam and is essential to the Muslim faith. The concept of monotheism in Islam is central. It is the belief that there is only one God, who is the creator and sustainer of the universe. This belief is expressed in the first pillar of Islam, which is the declaration of faith, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.”


In this article, we will explain the meaning of monotheism in Islam with an explanation of its divisions and virtues.


What is the definition of monotheism in Islam?

In Islam, monotheism is known as “Tawheed.” It is the fundamental belief in the oneness of Allah (God) and the rejection of any form of polytheism or associating partners with Allah. Tawheed is the core principle of Islamic theology and is emphasized throughout the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


Why is Tawheed important?

Tawheed is of utmost importance in Islam for several reasons:


1- Pure Monotheism

Islam considers monotheism as the purest and most rational form of belief. Tawheed ensures the worship of the one true God and rejects the worship of idols, deities, or any other false objects of worship.


2- Fulfillment of Purpose

Recognizing and affirming Tawheed aligns with the purpose of human existence, which is to worship and submit to Allah alone. It provides a clear understanding of the relationship between the Creator and His creation, guiding Muslims to fulfill their purpose in life.


3- Unity and Equality

Tawheed promotes unity among Muslims, as they share a common belief in the oneness of Allah. It emphasizes the equality of all believers before Allah, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or social status.


4- Protection against Shirk

Tawheed serves as a safeguard against shirk, which refers to associating partners with Allah or committing acts of polytheism. Islam strongly condemns shirk and considers it a grave sin, as it undermines the essence of monotheism.


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What are the divisions of monotheism?

Tawheed can be understood in three aspects:


1- Tawheed al-Rububiyyah

This aspect emphasizes the belief in the oneness of Allah in His lordship and sovereignty over the universe. It recognizes that Allah is the sole Creator, Sustainer, and Controller of all things.


2- Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah

This aspect is concerned with the worship of Allah alone. It emphasizes that all acts of worship, such as prayer, supplication, and devotion, should be directed solely to Allah, without associating any partners or intermediaries with Him.


3- Tawheed al-Asma wa al-Sifat

This aspect relates to the belief in the oneness of Allah’s names and attributes. It affirms that Allah has unique and perfect attributes and names that are exclusive to Him, and that these attributes cannot be compared to or shared by any of His creation.


divisions of monotheism


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The virtue of monotheism

The virtue of monotheism, or Tawheed, holds great significance in Islam. It is considered the most important and foundational belief in the religion, carrying numerous virtues and benefits for individuals and society as a whole. Here are some of the virtues associated with monotheism in Islam:


1- Pure Worship

Monotheism enables believers to worship Allah alone, without associating any partners with Him. This pure form of worship allows individuals to establish a deep and sincere connection with the Creator, seeking His pleasure and guidance in all aspects of life.


2- Spiritual Fulfillment

Monotheism provides a sense of spiritual fulfillment and contentment. By recognizing and affirming the oneness of Allah, believers find solace in knowing that their ultimate purpose and fulfillment lie in dedicating their lives to the worship and obedience of the one true God.


3- Guidance and Clarity

Tawheed brings clarity and guidance to believers’ lives. It provides a clear understanding of the purpose of existence, the nature of God, and the principles and values that should govern human behavior. Monotheism offers a comprehensive worldview and moral framework that helps individuals navigate life’s challenges and make righteous choices.


4- Unity and Equality

Monotheism fosters unity among believers by emphasizing the concept of the Ummah (Muslim community) as a unified body. It promotes a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among Muslims, transcending racial, ethnic, and social barriers. Monotheism also emphasizes the equality of all believers before Allah, regardless of their backgrounds or worldly status.


5- Protection against Falsehood

Monotheism safeguards believers against falsehood and misguided beliefs. By firmly adhering to the belief in the oneness of Allah, Muslims are protected from falling into polytheism, idolatry, or other forms of deviation. Monotheism serves as a shield against the influences of superstitions, false ideologies, and idol worship.


6- Morality and Ethics

Monotheism is closely tied to the moral and ethical teachings of Islam. Belief in the oneness of Allah encourages believers to uphold righteousness, justice, honesty, compassion, and other virtuous qualities in their interactions with others. The monotheistic belief system provides a solid foundation for developing a strong moral compass and ethical conduct.


7- Peace and Tranquility

Monotheism promotes inner peace and tranquility. By recognizing Allah as the ultimate source of peace and turning to Him in times of difficulty, believers find solace and strength. The monotheistic belief in Allah’s mercy, forgiveness, and guidance brings about a sense of inner peace, even amidst life’s challenges.


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The relationship between Tawheed and Aqeedah

Tawheed and Aqeedah (also spelled as Aqidah) are closely related concepts in Islam. Aqeedah refers to the Islamic creed or belief system, encompassing the fundamental tenets and beliefs that Muslims hold. Tawheed, on the other hand, is the central component of Aqeedah, focusing specifically on the belief in the oneness of Allah.


In the context of Aqeedah, Tawheed serves as its foundation. It is the belief in the oneness of Allah that shapes and informs all other aspects of the Islamic creed. The concept of Tawheed is intricately woven into the fabric of Aqeedah, providing the framework for understanding the nature of Allah, His relationship with His creation, and the obligations of Muslims towards Him.


The belief in Tawheed is the first and foremost principle of Aqeedah. It establishes the unity of Allah in His lordship, worship, and attributes. The acceptance of Tawheed is a prerequisite for a person to embrace Islam and enter into the fold of the Muslim community.


Aqeedah encompasses a broader scope than Tawheed alone. While Tawheed focuses primarily on the belief in the oneness of Allah, Aqeedah also includes other important aspects of faith, such as belief in the Prophets, belief in the scriptures, belief in the Day of Judgment, and other articles of faith.


However, Tawheed remains the core and essence of Aqeedah. It provides the foundation upon which the rest of the Islamic creed is built. The recognition and affirmation of Tawheed are vital for a Muslim’s spiritual growth, understanding of Islam, and adherence to its teachings.


In summary, Tawheed is the central concept within Aqeedah, emphasizing the belief in the oneness of Allah. Aqeedah encompasses a wider range of beliefs, including Tawheed, and serves as the comprehensive framework of Islamic creed. Tawheed forms the bedrock of Aqeedah, shaping a Muslim’s understanding of Allah, their relationship with Him, and their obligations as believers.


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In this regard, Abrar Academy of Islamic Sciences emphasizes the importance of Tawheed, and its teachers also provide detailed lessons and educational courses to teach students the virtue of monotheism and its departments, and by communicating with the academy, you can book a trial class for your child to start his educational journey.


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