Sarah Jamal

Asslamo Alikom Wrahmtu Allah..
Your sister, Sarah Jamal Al-Tantawy. Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University in 2014.
By God’s grace, I was ranked first or second in college. I studied Tajweed completely in my school, where I studied in the United Arab Emirates, and they were very interested in Islamic education and Tajweed at that time.. Then, after graduating from college, I continued studying Tajweed with some teachers who were certified , and shortly before my work in the academy I have finished making an elaborate recitation of the Qur’an under the supervision of my teacher, may God reward her good..

Then one of the sisters pointed me to the field of teaching the Qur’an to the non-Arabs.

So I started studying everything related to this field with the help of some of the teachers who preceded me in this field and benefiting from their experiences.. I finished studying the course of Amira Sami Al-Amiri and reviewing the book of Pro. Ayman Swied .. and reviewing Nour Al Bayan course.. As for the English language, I’m strong as I have a TOEFL score.

I also looked at everything that is in the pinned post on the online tutors group and studied well everything required to make a perfect class for the student, taking into account the age and individual differences in children.

Since I started working with the academy, I have been, thank God, keen to break down the barriers between me and the students so that they will be able to receive information well..

Therefore, I, praise be to God, have the ability to teach how to recite the Holy Qur’an with tajweed for beginners and advanced and also the method of Noor al-Bayan.

I talk to my students about Islamic manners, the honorable biography of the Prophet, the pillars of Islam,the beginnings of the faith and other issues.

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